About Bhupender

Bhupender Saharan, or “Bhupi” as his family, friends, loved ones and colleagues called him, was a man of high integrity, compassion, determination and intellect. His relentless hard working attitude and infectious energy got VVDN to the levels it is today. An engineer at heart and the visionary he was, Bhupi started VVDN Technologies with a dream, a dream to make VVDN world’s top electronic product Engineering and Manufacturing company. A dream we all at VVDN pledge to make a reality.

A people’s man, Bhupi made sure his VVDN family always came first and were always looked after like his own. He touched and changed so many lives, he was an epitome of how leaders should be. One who will laugh with you, dance & sing with you, guide you, and when needed, be a strict teacher. A truly brilliant and great innovator, Bhupi leaves a legacy behind. He may be gone, but he will never be forgotten. His energy and level of commitment will push us every minute of every day to make his dream, VVDN’s reality.

It was Bhupi’s vision to set up VVDN’s own SMT, Mechanical Tool & Molding factory, Product assembly and manufacturing facilities, which set VVDN apart from the others. He served VVDN as the CEO for 14 years but, he always had time for each and everyone of us. He was truly an incredible and an inspiring leader for us all. He touched our lives in so many ways. He was not just the co-founder, but the face, the inspiration and the voice of VVDN.

VVDN Team will always remember their beloved leader Bhupender Saharan. We will continue to work towards his vision to make VVDN India's largest premier engineering services and manufacturing company with more energy and passion. His passion, perseverance, and tenacity will continue to guide us all.

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